You don't need a pond to have a water feature. But a water feature can make your backyard pond an attraction that will add great interest and character to your outdoor space. The way to do this is to incorporate a specific feature of some sort within your pond.
So, where to start?
First of all you need to be clear in your own mind what you want from your pond. For instance, if you want to build a pond to breed koi fish, adding a lavish fountain in the centre may not be such a good idea, because the volume of water that showers back into the pond can upset the fish. But a statue in the pond will add interest, or perhaps a tiered fountain that allows the water from the fountain to flow back gently.
If you want to add a special interest to your backyard, you may like the idea of one of the relatively new theatrical inventions that incorporates color and even music with the movement of the water from the fountain. If the pond is big enough, the fish probably won't mind at all.
There are a huge number of different fountain features on the market that are intended for pond use. There are also a lot more that you can adapt for ponds and pools. The simplest type is attached to a submersible pump and it then simply sprays water out of the pond so that it returns with gravity. The fountain head that you use will determine what the pattern of the water looks like. For instance, it may shoot into the air like a high-pressure spray, or it may look like a dome, or even imitate the shape of a water lily or tulip. There are those that shoot into the air in imitation of a hot water geyser, and others that create a much more complex and formal tiered spray.
Then there are fountains, like the tiered fountain mentioned earlier, that incorporate some sort of ornament or statuary. There are two basic types:
1. the sort that you position within the pond, so that it sprays up into the air, and
2. the sort that you position on the edge of the pond, so that it sprays into the pond.
There are even fountains that will "dance" to music, with the pump output pulsating in tune to the music of your choice. Add lights and color to this and you have your own home theater! One of the newest designs appears in the form of a rainbow that continuously changes color. Relatively inexpensive, it doesn't use batteries, but simply relies on a garden hose or a pool return line for power. Another quite recent water feature from the same manufacturer is powered by batteries. This one creates an illuminated, color-changing effect in the fountain that can be seen both above and below the water in the pond. The shifting patterns of colored light create an incredible kaleidoscope that is magical to watch. This particular water feature can be tethered within the pond, or it may be allowed to float, adding to the effect.
Of course to be effective, these amazing theatrical features do need space. So before you decide which water feature to buy, make sure your pond is suitable.