Monday, June 28, 2010

Water Features For Your Backyard Pond

You don't need a pond to have a water feature. But a water feature can make your backyard pond an attraction that will add great interest and character to your outdoor space. The way to do this is to incorporate a specific feature of some sort within your pond.

So, where to start?

First of all you need to be clear in your own mind what you want from your pond. For instance, if you want to build a pond to breed koi fish, adding a lavish fountain in the centre may not be such a good idea, because the volume of water that showers back into the pond can upset the fish. But a statue in the pond will add interest, or perhaps a tiered fountain that allows the water from the fountain to flow back gently.

If you want to add a special interest to your backyard, you may like the idea of one of the relatively new theatrical inventions that incorporates color and even music with the movement of the water from the fountain. If the pond is big enough, the fish probably won't mind at all.

There are a huge number of different fountain features on the market that are intended for pond use. There are also a lot more that you can adapt for ponds and pools. The simplest type is attached to a submersible pump and it then simply sprays water out of the pond so that it returns with gravity. The fountain head that you use will determine what the pattern of the water looks like. For instance, it may shoot into the air like a high-pressure spray, or it may look like a dome, or even imitate the shape of a water lily or tulip. There are those that shoot into the air in imitation of a hot water geyser, and others that create a much more complex and formal tiered spray.

Then there are fountains, like the tiered fountain mentioned earlier, that incorporate some sort of ornament or statuary. There are two basic types:

1. the sort that you position within the pond, so that it sprays up into the air, and
2. the sort that you position on the edge of the pond, so that it sprays into the pond.

There are even fountains that will "dance" to music, with the pump output pulsating in tune to the music of your choice. Add lights and color to this and you have your own home theater! One of the newest designs appears in the form of a rainbow that continuously changes color. Relatively inexpensive, it doesn't use batteries, but simply relies on a garden hose or a pool return line for power. Another quite recent water feature from the same manufacturer is powered by batteries. This one creates an illuminated, color-changing effect in the fountain that can be seen both above and below the water in the pond. The shifting patterns of colored light create an incredible kaleidoscope that is magical to watch. This particular water feature can be tethered within the pond, or it may be allowed to float, adding to the effect.

Of course to be effective, these amazing theatrical features do need space. So before you decide which water feature to buy, make sure your pond is suitable.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

More About Do it Yourself Aquariums

Though you have a well furnished home and have everything that one could want in life, there are occasions when you feel that there is something missing. Your weekends and Sundays are quite boring. It is high time that you opted in for a pet. While people generally tend to think about dogs and other things whenever they think about pets, how many of them think about fishes? The pleasures and joys of having an aquarium at home are immense and just cannot be described in words.

There are different kinds of fishes in the world, both big and small, and most of them can be reared in an aquarium. While you can purchase a ready-made aquarium from any store that deals in pets, have you ever thought about building one by yourself? Before you start building an aquarium for your home, it is recommended that you study a bit about the same on the net. It is also recommended that you also study a bit about fishes and the type of environments that are suitable for them.

This is important because the type of climate in your city determines the additional equipment you shall be requiring in your aquarium... especially if you are residing in a city where the winter is harsh and the fishes that you are planning to keep are from tropical climates. Once you have completed this research, it is time for you to venture forth to any hobby shop or to any pet shop that deals in DIY aquariums. You will be surprised by the huge range of aquariums that are available. You will also be surprised by the sheer range of aquarium ornaments that too are available in the stores that deal in aquariums and its accessories.

These ornaments enhance the beauty of the aquarium and also help to provide the fish with an environment that is similar to those found at their natural habitats. Though there are many different types and brands of aquariums available in the market, it makes sense to purchase those that are manufactured by organizations that are reputed. The wide range of oceanic aquariums will dazzle your eyes and shall leave you confused. You shall not be able to decide which one to purchase. They are available in different shapes and sizes and you should select one that matches the decor of your room.

If you have any doubts, you should go in for the all glass aquarium that are suitable for any room. If you are planning to keep salt water fish in your aquarium, it is recommended that you also take a look at the aquarium skimmer. Also known as protein skimmers, these gadgets help remove large molecules. However, if you are planning to keep fresh water fish, you should opt in for a bio filter to remove the large molecules. Though most DIY aquariums come with illustrated manuals, having a friend by your side and who has constructed an aquarium helps.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Fun of Assembling a DIY Aquarium

Most people prefer to purchase a ready-made aquarium for keeping their finny friends. They are of the belief that constructing at DIY aquarium is a tough task that requires lots of expertise. However, this is not the fact. There are many sites on the net that shall help you out with plans and materials that you need to construct the aquarium. However you first need to establish what type of aquarium you are going to build along with its size. You can check out various oceanic aquariums as a guideline.

They will also help you to determine which type of aquarium will best suit your room and will also help to enhance its decor. Lots of planning is required before you can embark upon the task of assembling your DIY aquarium. If you are going to keep fishes that are accustomed to temperate climates and you are living in an area that experiences harsh winter, you will need to plan about heating arrangements beforehand. A small bulb fitted on the hood of the aquarium serves the dual task of heating the water and also illuminating the same during the night.

Various types of aquarium ornaments are also available and they can be used to enhance the beauty of your aquarium. These ornaments help to recreate scenes that one finds deep under the ocean and will also help to keep your finny friends happy. They will love to swim in and out of the small caves that are placed on the bottom of the aquarium. Tiny seashells and small artificial plants also help to make the aquarium look more beautiful. There is an important thing that you should keep in mind.

If you are planning to keep salt water fishes in the aquarium, you should invest in a decent aquarium skimmer. However, if you are planning to keep fresh water fishes, then a bio filter is more than sufficient. These things help to remove large molecules of protein from the water... like left over fish food. If they are not removed, the left over fish food will decay and poison the water in the aquarium. While there are many different types of aquarium kits available in the market, the ones that are totally made out of glass are appreciated the most. Generally the kits that are available in the market contain glass sheets cut in requisite sizes.

These kits also contain other materials that are required to construct the DIY aquarium. In case you want to do everything from scratch, just download a plan of the fish tank you want to build and purchase the materials required to build the same from the market. Constructing an all glass aquarium requires you to have a decent knowledge of cutting glass... especially if you are not purchasing a ready to build kit. In such circumstances it is recommended that you take the assistance of a glazier. Make a check list of all required things and ensure that they are close at hand before you start constructing the aquarium.

aquarium plants

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Primer on Deep Water Culture

Deep water culture (DWC) is a type of hydroponic gardening in which the roots of a plant are suspended in a solution of oxygenated water and various nutrients.

Traditionally, DWC has been practiced using plastic buckets. The plant itself is suspended in what is known as a net pot. This net pot - a type of pot resembling an open wire basket - is suspended from the bucket lid in such a manner that the roots are suspended in the bucket containing the water and nutrient solution. The water is oxygenated with an air pump and an aquarium airstone such as are used in fish tanks.

Once the plants reach the flowering stage, the level of the nutrient solution is reduced, gradually exposing the roots to the open air, where they can absorb greater amounts of oxygen. The massive ingestion of oxygen and nutrients leads to maximum growth throughout the plant's life cycle.

A variation on DWC is recirculation deep water culture (RDWC). An RDWC system employs a reservoir which in turn provides water to several buckets. If these buckets are not connected in some way, it will be necessary to test each one for proper pH levels (acidity vs. alkalinity) and conductivity factor (CF, a measure of electrical conductivity used to determine nutrient levels).

In order to avoid the need for testing of each individual bucket, some RDWC systems dispense with the air stones and instead connect the buckets. The water is recirculated with spray nozzles, resulting in better aeration and oxygenation. By constantly recirculating the water in this fashion, nutrients are mixed more effectively and pH levels are stabilized throughout the system.

Building a DWC system is neither particularly difficult nor expensive, and can be done for under $100. To start, you will need a five gallon bucket, a fish tank air pump, an aquarium airstone for breaking up the bubbles, a six inch hydroponic growing net or net pot, duct tape, and a hydroponic growth medium (organic composted bark is best).

The first step is to cut a hole in the bucket lid that is the same diameter as the net pot. The net pot should fit snugly when the lip rests on the edge of the pot. You'll also need to cut a small hole in the side of the bucket near the top in order to accommodate the air line. This should be run down to the bottom of the bucket and into the airstone.

The bucket should then be wrapped in about five layers of duct tape in order to prevent any light from reaching the reservoir (which would lead to the growth of algae).

The net pot is then filled with the growth medium and the seedling of the plant you are attempting to grow. Fill the bucket with clean water, put the lid in place, insert the net pot, turn on the pump, and your new deep water culture system is in operation.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Seedlings - A Great Way to Start Your Garden in Spring

Seedlings are a great way to start your garden inside, so you are ready for the sometimes all too short growing season. The key to planting seeds is to wait until six to eight weeks before the last frost is expected in your area. This way, when the seedlings are ready to go outside, the weather should be warm enough. Since this is not easy to predict with wheatear forecasts these days. Take it as an indication.

Things to remember about seedlings

A few things that you should remember when you are tending seedlings, is that they are quite delicate, and they require special care.

A seedling is a young plant that is not at all the strong, survivor it will once become. Usually it requires a more intense light then is available at the time you start to grow. The natural sunlight is best; but often days are still too short and the sun to weak. Because you start the seed inside, the plant thinks it's warm enough but soon discovers the lack of light. This will restrict its growth and health. This presents a problem your delicate seedling needs the best condition possible when you transplant it to your garden.

The best solution to overcome this problem is artificial light. And I must admit that I had some difficulties to overcome my resistance of investing in a special growth lamp. Because of the price tag garden centers put on these items I settled for aquarium lighting. They give you almost the same mixture of light frequencies as natural sunlight. Are fairly cheap and don't give of a great amount of heat.

Seedlings typically thrive with cycles of 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of dark in a 24 hour period. Depending on the plant you grow. When you follow my aquarium advise the light comes from above, otherwise turn them every now and then. Your seedlings will tend to grow toward the light.

Keep your seedlings moist, not wet

When you are caring for your seedlings, keep them moist, but not wet. Seedlings are very susceptible to mold and should not be kept to wet. Yes in nature spring usually comes with some rain, but don't turn your container into a

This might seem as a lot of trouble that hardly pays off. And you are right. But if you are not really trying to live of the land there is no logic in gardening, or growing vegetables, fruits, flowers or whatever yourself. The process of growing from seed, the satisfaction seeing a seed grow from a little almost invisible seed to a full-grown plant is the payoff. For me it is anyway.At our site you can find more information about transplanting different species or how to keep them inside and tend a nice in-house container garden.

I've come across problem cases where it looked as if the owner with all his or her good intentions was trying to grow underwater plants instead of normal annuals. Also don't start to fertilize unless you are growing hydroponic. The seed itself and the soil you planted in supplies all the young plant needs. Fertilizers can even kill your plants when overused. They cause an inability of the plant to suck water from the soil. No water, no photosynthesis, no sugars to grow new cells or maintain existing ones. So as with mammals overfeeding can kill.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Looking For A New Job or Promotion? Feng Shui Can Help You Get It!

Yes it's true! Feng Shui can help direct the energies that surround you in order to get a new job or promotion! Are you read for a full out career change? Or are you just frustrated that all the good promotions keep passing you by?

Good Feng Shui works fast! Try following some of our steps as outlined below get ready to step into a new adventure!

If you are looking for a promotion, pay increase, more interesting work or a change of job and career you need to activate or enhance key sectors of your home.


First things first, stand in the middle of your home and with a compass determine what direction is north. This is your career area. If a bathroom or storage room is located here than activate the north direction of your family or living room instead.

How can You activate this area?

Any thing to do with water is good here! The colours of dark blue or black, or the metal colours of white, gold, silver or metallic! a water fountain, an aquarium, mirrors, paintings of water, images of fish, anything metal, wavy shapes! You get the idea!


Locate your Northwest direction with a compass. This are is where you are asking for help from other to help you with your career. The energy found here will help with decisiveness, determination and authority.

How can you activate this area?

Anything to do with metal is good here! The colours of metal are white, gold, silver or metallic, Earth colours of yellow, beige and brown are also good! Any objects made of medal (bowls, fixtures), coins in a crystal bowl, religious objects and images of powerful leaders. Place symbols of what you want to come into your life here (are you targeting a certain company - place their image here!). This is a good spot for your computer (networking). Anything to do with earth (stone, porcelain) is good here as well.


Are you looking for more publicity for your company? Or do you want to get into Show Business, Media, PR or Sales? Than this is for you! There is talkative energy here and it includes popularity and sociability.

How can you activate this area?

The colour of fame? Red of course and all colours close to red - burgundy, pink, coral also the wood colours of green and light blue! Fire is the best activator - a fireplace, candles, triangle shapes. Images of Birds (in particular the red phoenix) are good here. Leave a light on all night in the south or in the south garden. Lights denote fire!. Whatever you want - imagine you already have it and place a symbol of it here!


This direction is often overlooked as people think it is only for health. Not true! The east brings the most Sheng Chi or growth chi so it is ideal for ambition and growth.

How can you activate this area?

This is a wood area - so plants here are ideal! A bamboo plant would be a great addition. The colours of green and light blue work here as do blues and blacks. Healthy flowers in water, Tranquil images of water, water features, and items of self respect that you cherish.


If you want to grow as a person and attract more of the good things in life than activate this area!

How can you activate this area?

This is a wood area therefore the colours of green, brown as well as the water colours of blue and black are all good. Wooden decorative ornaments, any plants, peaceful ocean artwork, fountains, symbols of your blessings all work well.


Your home office or company office is very important to set up properly. Ideally you need to know what your kua numbers are and ensure you are facing your success directions, but here are a few simple tips to get you on your way!

1.Your desk should face the power position (so that you can see the door) if you can't face this then make sure you position a mirror on your desk that reflects the door so that you can see who enters at all times

2.It is best to have a solid wall behind your back - no window - if you do have a window keep the blinds closed if you can

3.Do not pile files in front of you - put them away neatly

4.Place a picture of a mountain behind you for added support

5.The south wall is a good place to display diplomas and awards

6.The SE is your wealth corner - activate it a water image

7.Keep your workspace clutter free!

8.Do not have exposed shelves directly behind you - keep them off to one side

Don't forget that with each change you make you must do it with intention and be very clear what you want. Wanting a new job may not be clear enough and if may be one that you dislike. Wanting a specific new job or a specific new career will bring you the results you want!

© 2007 Fay Chapple

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bedding Down By The Seaside - Custom Nautical Beach Themed Bedrooms For Kids

What child doesn't love to play at the beach? If your kid loves to frolic in the surf and sand, then why restrict his or her fun to just those scant few summery days you and the family can get yourselves down to the nearest shore? Why not transform your children's bedroom into a beach front fantasy that they can enjoy every day of their lives.

A beach theme fantasy bedroom is easy to create. Paint the ceiling bright sky blue, maybe dotted with billowy white clouds, and lit by a big, bold lighting fixture that emulates the shining, glimmering sun. Dot the ceiling with glow in the dark stars, planets, comets, meteor showers, and other nighttime phenomena for when the lights are out.

Paint the walls a deeper blue with highlights of white sea foam and tall wave crests, highlighted with images of dolphins, breaching whales, seals, sea turtles, seagulls, and other ocean life, as well as surfers, parasailers, water-skiers, and other ocean enthusiasts.

And speaking of the other life (human and otherwise) populating the typical beach scene, you can also add to the image by peopling the custom beach theme bedroom with stuffed sea animals as well as decorating it with surfboards, boogie boards, water-skis, inflatable rafts and water tubes, and other water-sport implements.

The floor of the room, meanwhile, can be divided in two: half covered in wood, ceramic, vinyl tile, or a beige carpet or floor mats evocative of the sandy shore and the other half covered in plush blue carpeting or floor mats reflective of where the water meets the shore.

The focal point of any bedroom is, of course, the bed. And the focal point of a custom beach theme bedroom would be a custom theme bed built in the shape of a structure typically seen on the sandy shore (like an adorable bungalow or thatched hut) or floating in the ocean (like a yacht, a sailboat, a rowboat, or a cruise ship).

On the display shelves on the room's walls, built into the custom theme bed, and/or the surfaces of the various supplementary pieces of furniture in the room, you can display collections of seashells, coral, and sandglass. These ornaments also do well when glued onto the borders of mirrors, picture frames, and even on the custom theme bed itself.

Other details that help flesh out the fantasy may include a beach umbrella for shade and privacy, authentic beach furniture, along with fake rocks, boulders, and steep cliffs for depth. Ample soft pillows give a sense of floating on the water, and sheer, billowing fabrics evoke the constant light ocean breeze. A small working fountain can help add the sense and sounds of flowing water, and an aquarium filled with tropical fish or goldfish do well at adding an element of life brimming on your child's private shores.

Lastly, be sure to provide plenty of beach toys for hours of beach front playtime fun. Every day is a beach day when your child lives in a custom beach theme bedroom.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Tropical Fish Tank Supplies

There are so many different types of tropical fish tank supplies out there that it can be daunting when begin your own tank. Knowing what to purchase is essential before you start buying anything. Some of these supplies are a necessity while others simply make your tank look a lot nicer. This article will describe some of the different types of supplies that you can purchase including the different types of tanks, plants, and decorations that you can purchase for your tropical fish tank. After reading this article you should have a better understanding of what tropical fish tank supplies you need for your tank to thrive.

Purchasing a suitable tropical fish tank for needs is very important. A tank too small or too large will be very hard to look after and an unsuitable tank will lead to lots of heartache and dead fish. The tank that you purchase should be large enough for the amount of fish that you want. Keep in mind that a bigger tank will require larger, more expensive accessories like lights and filters so if you are on a tight budget try to go for a midsized tank to keep costs down. Most pet stores, online and offline will have experts on hand to help you find exactly what you are looking for. It is also a good idea to do a lot of your own research prior to making any purchases.

After you have your tank, you should think about the sort of plant life that you want. Although you can have a tank made up of only artificial plants, this will not look as good as a tank full of healthy natural plants. It is easier for beginners to use artificial tropical plants but as soon as you think you can look after real plants you should purchase a few and see how you go. Live plants also help to keep the water clean and provide a place for your fish to play and explore. You need a good substrate if you are considering using live plants.

Any ornaments or decorations that you purchase for your fish tank should be soaked in water for about 24 hours to ensure that they are clean and free of chemicals. Drift wood is a great addition to any tank and this can be found on a lot of beaches around the world for free!

Thinking about the above points when purchasing tropical fish tank supplies will help you make better decisions and have a much nicer and lower maintenance tank. Remember, choose a tank that suits your needs and time requirements, have a long think about the type of plants you want to put in your tank, and look for some cool decorations and ornaments for your tank to give it a really personal touch. The best thing that you can do is research so have a look at heaps of different tropical fish tank supplies stores and see what you can find.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

How To Create The Best Aquarium With The Right Equipment And Aquarium Supplies

There is nothing more relaxing than a fish aquarium. You can actually sit and watch it for hours. The key behind a beautiful aquarium is the proper lighting. This will not only show off you fish and corals better, the right aquarium lighting will keep your tank environment stable and free of algae. When putting together all the equipment you need for your fish tank, aquarium lighting is one of the most important items especially for those of you who are tackling a reef aquarium. Lighting is critical to the plants, corals and other invertebrates for them to stay healthy as they require photosynthesis to generate required energy. Without the proper aquarium lighting, these will likely die over time. An aquarium light timer is the perfect way to control your tank's lights without you having to be there to either turn them on or off.

If you want an aquarium with coral, reef aquarium lighting is critical to the longevity of certain types. Species requiring low to medium lighting will do just fine with VHO fluorescent or Power Compact fluorescent lighting systems. Corals that require intense aquarium lighting will do best with metal halide systems. The rule of thumb with metal halide lighting is 1 bulb for every 2 feet of tank you have. Larger tanks will require more lights of course to help with some heating as well as controlling algae. Metal halide lighting systems are designed to run 12 hours a day so this is where a good aquarium light timer can come into play.

Aquariums require a number of different supplies including heaters, chillers, air pumps, filters, ornaments and decorations. Aquariums can be quite expensive to put together so we always recommend putting a budget together before you get going. If you can plan out your fish tank, you can buy items such as aquarium lighting that you can grow into. You can find some excellent products at discount prices if you shop around and watch for sales. You may start out with fish only, and continue to add plants and corals to someday have an outstanding reef aquarium. Just remember, the most important thing about any aquarium is keeping the environment stable for your fish. The water temperature must be held constant at all times at the right temperature as too hot is just as harmful as too cool.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Koi Pond - For an Energizing and Refreshing View

Koi is a kind of fish, which is preferred by fish lovers to breed in aquariums or even ponds. Many people also love them because they are a very nice ornament in their gardens. This type of fish is colorful, that is why many people are attracted to have them, especially in their gardens. Because of its refreshing and elegant look, many fish lovers are also attracted to build ponds to raise their Koi.

If you are planning to build a Koi pond yourself, you need to consider some matters and reminders. First and foremost, you need to consider the availability of space in your house. This is very important so take a closer look with this aspect. You don't want to build a large pond when you have a small available space, or vice versa. So, to really have that appropriate pond size, make sure of the availability of space. You should also consider the place where you are going to build your own pond. Make sure that it will be in a place where most people could observe it. However, if you want to build it just for your own, build it in a place where you spend much time. This will surely give a relaxing and refreshing effect to you.

The next thing to consider is the depth of the pond. Its depth should be according to its overall size. However, the normal depth is 4-5 feet for the Koi to have a cozy space for them. The pond's depth may also depend on the number and the size of the fishes that you are going to put.

Another essential thing to consider is electricity. Your pond should have an electricity connection to have a pond water filter. This water filter would ensure you that your Koi will swim in clean water.

After doing all those things, you can have the Koi in the water. However, everything's not yet done! You have to pay a lot of attention to the cleanliness of the water that your Koi fishes are swimming in. You need to timely feed them so that they are going to remain active and energetic. This process will continue on and on until as long as you still have Koi fishes in your Koi pond.

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